Meat FAQ

Q: Are all meat products Zabiha Halal? If yes, who supplies the meat products?

A: All of our Red Meat products (Lamb, Beef and Goat) and Organic Chicken are 100% Zabiha Halal. Please email us at to receive a copy of certifications.

Q: I just placed an order, when would it be delivered?

A: Customer selects date and time of delivery to suit their needs in Illinois. All orders except Illinois are shipped within 24-48 hours.

Q: Why is my meat not the exact weight I ordered?

A: Meat is sold on gross weight. That means the net weight is post fat and skin clean up. You may lose up to 10-15% from the weight you asked for after being processed.

Q: Can i cancel my order with meat?

A: Meat order is non-refundable. Once order is confirmed and meat is processed, customer is responsible for the meat charges.

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