Who are we?
MirchiMasalay is the largest online Indian grocery store, offering produce, zabiha halal meat, and spices sourced from all over the world. We empower home cooks to create authentic Asian cuisine and offer interesting new ingredients for all your kitchen experiments.
Where do we deliver?
We’re a fully online business based in Chicago, but we can send ingredients all over the USA.
Why source ingredients from all over?
First and foremost, because the world is a delicious place! The more we learn about food, the more it helps us to appreciate each others’ shared humanity and the beautiful, fragile biodiversity of our planet. We’re committed to sustainability, and we love to see both unusual and everyday ingredients grown locally. But we think sourcing the world’s local, seasonal food is a more long-term, nutritious, and secure solution.
Most (roughly 96%) of the environmental impact of food production occurs before either the transportation or packaging phase, usually due to artificial and intensive mass farming methods. We want to help the food industry and foodies like you to embrace the world’s biodiversity and balance the world’s diet so that it isn’t so weighted towards unsustainable animal farming and high-yield, low-nutrition cash crops.
What’s next for Mirchimasalay?
Kitchen wisdom spreads so quickly these days, and we owe it to home cooks like you to keep evolving alongside all your brilliant innovations. We’re always sourcing new produce and new store categories. When it comes to Asian cuisine there’s so much diversity and so many wonderful new things to explore that we haven’t got to yet. If something you love isn’t available on Mirchi Masalay, please don’t hesitate to let us know what we’ve been missing out on. Just drop a line to info@mirchimasalay.com